Between Lines Books and Arts, LLC (our full name) publishes, distributes and markets print books, e-books, music CDs, music downloads, art and”FusionArts” projects that fall between lines and off the grid of the traditional, the conventional, the consensual and the accepted. BLBA challenges the conventional, the consensual and the accepted (including ideas about the non-consensual and unconventional, too). Nevertheless, we’re not about the offbeat, weird, magical or fantastical since those are usually on the grid, too. Our publications go beyond our templates of reality to explore spaces containing mystery, ambiguity, nuance, and the chaotic currents of creativity. BLBA has a substantial commitment to exploring and sharing observations about creative process.
We publish BLBA works in paper format and music CDs for purchase online or through bookstores. In addition, we’re pioneering a new evolution of fiction and poetry compositions we call “FusionArts” works. Downloadable as e-publications, these new compositions blend written text with music and/or visual images to create a unique reading experience.
The BLBA artists’ collective currently includes:
John Amoroso
John Briggs www.jpbriggs.com and people.wcsu.edu/briggsj
Stephen Dydo
Eric Lewis
Genette Nowak Merin